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Amrut Mahotsav - Satsangi Jeevan
Thursday, 19th December 2019
East Africa Satsang Swaminarayan Temple, Nairobi , Kenya is the pioneer Swaminarayan Temple outside of India. EASSTemple was established in 1944 despite the economic and political hardships against the Hindu community.
The Temple was built in the town centre and for 55 years it was the place of worship for our Haribhakto. Due to the increased number of Haribhakto, this demanded the need for a bigger temple with ample space, parking and a much less congested area. In the year 1999, with the dedication, strength and efforts of the Haribhaktos the construction of the new temple was completed in the Parklands area of Nairobi beautifully centered between Swaminarayan Rd and LaxmiNarayan Rd.
Ever since, the Temple has been a blessing and paved new paths for youngsters and elders to migrate to countries like UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and continue the Satsang with the values and ethics obtained from EASSTemple, creating a mark and giving the temple great pride.
To commemorate the Satsang, values and ethics our forefathers passed on to us over the years, we are now proudly celebrating 75 years of establishment and 20 years of the new Temple in the name of Amrut Mahotsav.
The Mahotsav will be held from 19th - 26th December, 2019.
Celebration for this Mahotsav have been held throughout the year ranging from Maha Poojas, Janmangal Dandvats, 1008 tal jaaps, Rangutsav, Shyam Premier League, Rath Yatra, Shreeji Rasoi, Patrika Vimochan, Medical and Donation camps for the local communities across the country.
Amrut Mahotsav will be the grandest and once in a lifetime celebration in the history of the Temple therefore you don't want to miss this.
What's on?
Thu 19th Dec |
Fri 20th Dec |
Sat 21th Dec |
Sun 22th Dec |
Mon 23th Dec |
Tue 24th Dec |
Wed 25th Dec |
Thu 26th Dec |
Satsangi Jeevan
Katha will be recited by:

Krushnajivan Dasji

Hariprasad Dasji

Brahmmuni Dasji

Sukmuni Dasji

Anandvallabh Dasji
This event will be broadcasted live
East Africa Satsang Swaminarayan TempleP.O Box: 41371-00100, 01
Swaminarayan Road
+254 203742124
[email protected]